Say No to Phones on Pot

Yesss you have also done it lol!!! 

It has been long and I want to give up the habit of taking my phone to bathroom every time I enter. To the contrary, I end up looking for my phone every time I am about to go to the loo. I realized that I spend more time on the pot than on finishing my breakfast. It must be a similar scenario with most of you. The world has gone from this :


To being this:


That’s when I googled about the “reasons for not carrying phones in loo”  - absurd – because I was in the washroom then.

People who really care about hygiene and freak out when they hear the words ‘germs’ & ‘contamination’ should have a look at this.

  1. Carrying phone to toilets makes washing hands worthless!
  2. When you stay on the toilet for upwards of 20, 30, 40 minutes, you're putting unnecessary pressure on the rectum, [which] can cause hemorrhoids, and definitely make any pre-existing hemorrhoids way worse
  3. Chances of bacteria breeding are higher on your mobile phone because it provides a warm environment for the bacteria to survive and grow. The same phone is also used by you while having food. eewww
  4. You can easily find hundreds of bacteria on phones, as well as fungi and yeast, many of them are potential pathogens that can make you sick.

As creepy as it sounds, around 90% of people are victim of this situation & I found myself doing the same thing even after reading all these things – Heights. But at least I’m trying!


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